Dual Berettas | Melondrama


  • Weapon Type:
    Dual Berettas
  • Introduced:
    22 Jan 2022
  • Creator:
    Workshop Submission
  • Designer:
  • Workshop Submission Details:
  • Finish Style:
    Custom Paint Job
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 1
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    flamie, KRIMZ, Snax,

Dual Berettas Melondrama Information

If two large-mag Berettas are used simultaneously, accuracy will deteriorate, and loading times will lengthen. Due to its high float value between 0.00 and 1.00, the skin is always accessible in every condition.

The rarity of Dual Berettas |Melondrama is classified, which separates the skin from the other gun with an estimated drop chance of 3.2%.

Under factory new conditions, there are a few minor abrasions on the pistol’s body; as wear increases, the size and shape of these abrasions gradually become darker.

 Influenced by the custom paint style, the body of this weapon is decorated with images of watermelon slices.  Later the handle portion is painted with the “Beware of Sleeping” depicted over the skin, and the color concern is green and beige. This weapon has a wide range of sales volume and pricing with a popularity rating of 95%.


Eleven months ago, on January 20th, 2022, the Dual Berettas | Melondrama was introduced.  This weapon was released as part of the “Dreams & Nightmares Case” update, which Kuch designed without opening into any containers.

Skin Pricing

A Dual Berettas | Melondrama’s cost structure Varies between $0.95 and $17.63.  223.9k units of this weapon are present in the CS: GO inventory.