Flip Knife | Autotronic


  • Weapon Type:
    Flip Knife
  • Introduced:
    16 Jun 2016
  • Creator:
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 0.85
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    friberg, kennyS, NBK-,

Flip Knife Autotronic Information

The Autotronic knife depicts a spectacular Persian style followed by the back-swept blade and the acute point. Though the point specifically might be fragile, it has a durable design. This weapon is anodized and utilizes steel mesh to lighten up its weight.

This Flip Knife has a 90% popularity making it a leading item on the CSGO list. It ranges among the 391 top knives and adheres to the Covert skin rarity. The weapon is an ultra-rare drop with a tentative drop chance of only 0.26%.

The float value of this skin differs from 0.00 to 0.85, making it widely accessible in multiple exteriors. Buyers can also get the StatTrak version for each of the Autotronic exteriors. It is smartly painted in the ‘Gunsmith’ style and utilizes a combination of custom paint and patina style.


The Flip Knife Autotronic skin originated on June 15th, 2016, on the CSGO list almost 7 years back. It was also introduced with the ‘Gamma Exposure’ update along with the Gamma 2 Case. CSGO players can also obtain it by opening the Gamma Case Container, and this skin does not belong to any collection.

Skin Pricing

The cost of Flip Knife Autotronic knife is somewhere around $307.04 and $1,184.15, making it a pricey purchase for the buyers. At present, its 8.5k units are listed in the public CSGO inventories.