Huntsman Knife | Blue Steel


  • Weapon Type:
    Huntsman Knife
  • Introduced:
    01 May 2014
  • Creator:
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
  • Finish Name:
    Blue Steel
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 1
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:

Huntsman Knife Blue Steel Information

Huntsman Knife Blue Steel is a premium quality knife designed for multiple tactical uses, and its blade is nicely suited for coping with utilitarian and combat needs. It allows maximum edge even on rough surfaces and is available in cold-blued patterns.

The Blue Steel knife holds a 90% popularity making it a leading pick to the CSGO list. It is positioned amongst 391 other knives and has a Covert skin rarity. This skin is an ultra-rare drop with a tentative drop chance of 0.26%.

The average float value of Huntsman Knife Blue Steel skin lies from 0.00 to 1.00, making it accessible in numerous exteriors. CSGO enthusiasts can also get a StatTrak version for each exterior. The knife is painted using the ‘Patina’ style and has a chemical reaction with the non-reactive, hardened shell on the metallic parts. It is mainly painted in the hues of gray.


The Huntsman Knife Blue Steel skin was launched on May 1, 2014, being added to the CSGO list almost 10 years back now. It was also introduced with the ‘The Hunt Begins’ update and the Huntsman Weapon Case. This skin is also obtainable by opening the Huntsman Weapon case container. It does not belong to any collection.

Skin Pricing

At present, several professional CSGO players like Pimp own the skin. It is available between $176.12 and $443.11, making it a pretty pricey weapon.