Karambit Knife | Fade


  • Weapon Type:
    Karambit Knife
  • Introduced:
    14 Aug 2013
  • Creator:
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
    Anodized Airbrushed
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 0.08
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Professional Players:
    allu, boltz, NBK-,

Karambit Knife Fade Information

Karambit Knife Fade weapon has a curved blade that depicts the tiger’s claw, and it was developed along with the Southeast Asian Martial discipline of silat. This weapon’s knife comes with a reverse grip, and its finger ring is available on the index finger. It can be painted using a transparent airbrush, which fades through the chrome base coat.

Fade weapon holds a 30% popularity making it a preferred pick amongst the CSGO list. This knife lies amongst 391 other counterparts and has a Covert skin rarity. Its tentative drop chance stands at 0.26%.

The float value of this skin differs from 0.00 to 0.08, making it accessible with the Minimal Wear and the Factory New update. It can be painted with the ‘Anodized Airbrushed’ style, and its pattern emulates a candy coat finish through freehand airbrushing.


The Karambit Knife Fade skin was first launched to the CSGO marketplace on August 14, 2013, around 10 years back. This weapon was introduced with ‘The Arms Deal’ update and as a part of the Revolver Case. It was obtained by opening amongst the 11 containers and includes CSGO Weapon case 2 and 3 containers.

Skin Pricing

Karambit Knife Fade skin is owned by professional CSGO players such as Pashabiceps, Boltz, and NBK-. It is available for between $2,647.49 and $2,946.81, making it a top pick with this type of knife.