PP-Bizon | Harvester


  • Weapon Type:
  • Introduced:
    16 Jun 2016
  • Creator:
    Workshop Submission
  • Designer:
  • Workshop Submission Details:
  • Finish Style:
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 1
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    kennyS, niko,

PP-Bizon Harvester Information

PP-Bizon | Harvester is a popular low-damage causing SMG that guarantees a versatile design and high-capacity drum magazines for quicker reloads. The weapon is adorned with a beautiful bio-mechanical motif as well.

Harvester has a tentative popularity rate of 75% and ranges amongst the 25% of other top CS: GO products. It is a trending pick amongst its 229 SMG counterparts and holds a Mil-Spec Grade rarity rate. The skin has a tentative drop chance of around 79.92%.

Bizon has a float value of 0.00 to 1.00, making it quickly accessible in all exteriors, and only a StatTrak version is available for each exterior. The skin is magnificently painted in the ‘Gunsmith’ style and has a Harvester finish. Most of the skin parts are painted in gray shades with no effect on the final finish.


The origin of PP-Bizon | Harvester dates back to June 15th, 2016, along with the CS: GO list around 6 years back. It was also out with the Gamma Case and the ‘Gamma Exposure’ update. A renowned community designer, ‘G-99Factory’, created this weapon, and it’s obtainable with Gamma Case Container.

Skin Pricing

Gaming enthusiasts need to shell out around $.05 and $0.85 to purchase this weapon, and it’s easily accessible in various markets. At present, 627.3k units of the weapon are listed in public CS: GO inventories.