Desert Eagle | Golden Koi


  • Weapon Type:
    Desert Eagle
  • Introduced:
    19 Sep 2013
  • Creator:
    Workshop Submission
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
    Anodized Multicolored
  • Finish Name:
    Golden Koi
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 0.12
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Professional Players:
    jkaem, NEO, s1mple,

Desert Eagle Golden Koi Information

Pricey and powerful, the Desert Eagle | Golden Koi is an iconic pistol that takes time to master but proves precise at the longer range. The memento from Chinatown is finely covered with metallic foil and scale patterns.

This weapon has a 90% popularity making it a leading product from the CS: GO list. Desert Eagle | Golden Koi stands amongst 337 pistol skins and has a Covert rarity to it. Golden Koi is a super rare drop with a tentative drop chance of 0.64%.

A float value of Desert Eagle | Golden Koi differs from 0.00 to 0.12, making it available with Minimal Wear and Factory New. A stattrak version is also out for each of them. The skin is painted in the ‘Anodized multicoloured’ style, and its appearance is affected by the patterned index over it.


The Desert Eagle | Golden Koi was released on September 19, 2013, to the CS: GO list 9 years ago. This weapon is introduced with the ‘Operation Bravo’ update and as a part of the Operation Bravo Case. It is obtainable with The Bravo Collection.

Skin Pricing

Gaming enthusiasts can purchase Desert Eagle | Golden Koi between $29.01 and $125.04, making it an inexpensive option for buyers. While writing the review, around 18.1K units were listed in the public CS: GO inventories.