G3SG1 | Contractor


  • Weapon Type:
  • Introduced:
    14 Jul 2014
  • Creator:
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
    Solid Color
  • Finish Name:
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0.06 - 0.8
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
    Consumer Grade
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    cadiaN, seang@res,

G3SG1 Contractor Information

Although the G3SG1 | Contractor moves more slowly than the other sniper rifles, this guarantees that it works as planned.

The consumer-grade quality of this weapon sets it apart from other sniper rifles on the market. Based on the sales volume and price range report, the popularity of this weapon is 65% and stood at the top 35% among the CS: GO inventories.

The G3SG1 | Contractor is painted with shades of dark green in the entire parts, including the scope. The handle and buttstock with matte beige tint, but some parts, like the magazine and individual components, remain colorless, which is not affected by the pattern index.

This particular weapon has a float value ranging from 0.06 to 0.80 and is always available. The surfaces of the rifle in Factory New state already show light abrasions, but later, the layer of the buttstock and the handguard portion shades off.


On July 1st, 2014, the CS: GO industry added The G3SG1 | Contractor. Under the Operation Breakout Update, this weapon was introduced as part of baggage collection.

Skin Pricing

Depending on the market, a Contractor body can cost anywhere from $1.07 and $6.38. The inventories of CS: GO currently include 16.8 k of these items.