MP9 | Wild Lily


  • Weapon Type:
  • Introduced:
    19 Nov 2019
  • Creator:
  • Designer:
  • Finish Style:
    Custom Paint Job
  • Finish Name:
    Wild Lily
  • Finish Catalogue:
  • Popularity:
  • Wear Range:
    0 - 0.7
  • Rating:
  • Grade:
  • Skin Quality:
  • Colours:
  • Professional Players:
    BUDA, KSCERATO, Perfecto,

MP9 Wild Lily Information

MP9 | Wild Lily is a premium skin manufactured in Switzerland and curated with cutting-edge technology. It is an ergonomic polymer weapon that most private security firms prefer. This weapon has a custom paint job and a blue lily and is painted on a purple base.

Wild Lily ranks in the list of 229 other SMG skins, and the rarity of this weapon is Classified. The weapon has an estimated drop chance of just 3.2%. The popularity range of 35% puts this skin into the category of inexpensive skins. Experts calculate the weapon’s popularity based on its cost and the daily sales volume.

The float value of MP9 | Wild Lily ranges from 0.00 to 0.70, making it widely available in various exteriors. Do not expect any Souvenir version for this skin. Custom job paint style is visible on it, followed by various colors to choose from.


The MP9 | Wild Lily was released to the CS: GO series almost three years back on November 18, 2019. It got released along with the ‘Operation Shattered Web’ update, and the skin also belongs to The St. Marc Collection.

Skin Pricing

MP9 | Wild Lily costs around $1,071.89 and $1,847.02, making it a bit expensive for gaming fanatics and other buyers. Its prominence is evident by the possession of professional CS: GO players like Buda, perfecto, and Kscerato.